
What is the Flu? Influenza is an acute respiratory disease of viral etiology that occurs with symptoms of general intoxication and respiratory tract damage. It refers to airborne anthroponoses. Flu is currently the most common

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What is Dracuncullosis? Dracuncullosis or Rishta – helminthiasis from a group of nematodoses, caused by female worms of the Dracunculus medinensis. Distributed in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and Asia. The name dracuncullosis comes

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Hemorrhagic Fever

What is Hemorrhagic Fever? The group of hemorrhagic fevers includes acute febrile diseases of viral etiology, in the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of which the leading role is played by vascular lesions, leading to the

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Recurrent Typhus

What is Recurrent Typhus? Typhoid fever (lat. Typhus recurrens) is a collective name combining epidemic (pathogen carrier – louse) and endemic (pathogen carrier – tick) spirochetosis, which alternate with attacks of fever and periods of

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Viral Hepatitis E

What is Viral Hepatitis E? Viral hepatitis E is a viral infection from the conditional group of fecal-oral hepatitis, characterized by liver damage, acute cyclic course and severe manifestations in pregnant women. Viral hepatitis E

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