Dry skin – how to fight in winter?

At different times during the winter, we risk finding out the dryness of the skin, its roughness and general unsightliness. The skin is our largest organ, in direct contact with the external environment, which is obviously very aggressive in the winter.
Cold piercing wind, frost and often high air humidity combined with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, with a weakened immunity, which is often observed in the cold season – all factors that negatively affect the condition of our skin.

If you do not belong to the category of people who prefer to humbly wait, survive this unfavorable period for their skin, if in winter you want to observe velvety and delicate skin on your body, this information will become you for the future.

What awaits our skin in winter?

The most common problem of skin condition in winter is its dryness and roughness. The nature of the occurrence of both is very simple. Normally, the entire surface of our skin is covered with a hydro-lipid film, this is a natural protection against a mass of negative external influences. Hydrolipid film is a balanced combination of sebum and moisture produced by sweat. It protects against the effects of bacteria, provides elasticity and the necessary level of moisture to the skin.

When in winter or at any other time of the year we improperly take care of our skin, during the period of diseases and, much more likely, due to environmental conditions, a natural protective barrier collapses there are three undesirable consequences:

  • the skin quickly loses moisture and is dehydrated
  • old epidermal cells die and accumulate on the surface of the skin
  • the risk of microcrack formation with the subsequent attachment of pathogenic microflora increases.

A brief list of predisposing factors is presented as follows:

  • genetic predisposition, in particular hormonal disorders;
  • violations of standards for skin care:
    indelicate cleansing of the skin,
    treatment of the skin with too hot water, use of a hair dryer, coarse towels, etc.,
    incorrect use of cosmetic and hygienic means,
    use of household chemicals without skin protective means;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals – in winter, the proportion of vegetables and fruits is significantly reduced in the diet, and vitamin-mineral complexes are either ignored or incorrectly selected;
  • the negative impact of weather conditions – snow, wind, frost, exposure to ultraviolet rays (for fashionistas who prefer artificial sunburn);
  • the negative impact of artificial air heating in the premises – air dryness, being a consequence of the operation of central heating systems or electric heaters, adversely affects the skin;
  • frequent changes in temperature, due to the fact that from the frosty streets in winter we regularly get into heated rooms;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases – psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, ichthyosis;
  • weakening of general immunity – when the organism is exposed to viral and bacterial influences;
  • wearing poor-quality clothes and shoes – it’s about synthetic clothing and tight shoes, resulting in a loss of heat exchange.

What will eliminate dry skin in winter?

The basis for the elimination of dry skin is the identification of its causes. The main ones were described above, but it should be noted that some of them can be overcome independently, and some are within the competence of medical specialists.

When should I see a doctor?

First of all, if the problem of dry skin bothers you regularly, not only during the winter and despite all the efforts to normalize the situation. A professional cosmetologist or dermatologist will help you to choose the most suitable drugs and cosmetics for your individual case. With a doctor, you can consult about decorative cosmetics. This consultation can be based on the profile diagnosis, which increases the likelihood of successful treatment.

Another reason for resorting to a dermatologist with dry skin is directly a disease. If it becomes obvious to you that dryness of the skin is not a temporary syndrome, if you have chronic skin diseases or hormonal disorders, do not postpone the visit to the doctor for later, but stop the winter recurrence of the disease on the vine.

Another reason to consult a doctor is a family history of problem skin. This also applies to genetic predisposition to dry skin, and hereditary hormonal disorders, including fungal diseases, which are transmitted with high risk from a relative to a relative through the use, for example, of a shared bathroom.

When can you handle on your own?

Change the strategy of skin care is recommended with the approach of the first frosts. when the temperature changes, central heating systems are switched on, our wardrobe and even the food ration changes – when the effect of the factors different from the previous factors on our skin becomes apparent. Before you, the problem arises – to preserve the integrity of the hydrolysed film, the same, the destruction of which ends in the dryness of the skin, its roughness, peeling and ultimately unsightly appearance.

Skin care always involves three stages:

  • purification,
  • humidification,
  • food and protection.

Correctness of actions, attentiveness to yourself at each of these stages will allow the most painless for the skin to overwinter. When there is a risk of becoming a possessor of rough skin, take elementary measures to care for it:

  • clean the skin twice a day with products containing soft ingredients – for example, instead of alcohol lotion, give preference to thermal water;
  • especially in the morning try to avoid using the means that destroy the hydrolipid film – this is usually the majority of foams and gels for washing, they do not leave a natural protective layer, they can be restored during the night, but in the morning and during the day your skin is exposed;
  • avoid hot temperatures – if you take a bath, it is not too hot, and preferably prefer a shower, water jets act on the skin most favorably;
  • gently dry the skin – it would seem, an elementary rule, but many make the mistake of using hard towels;
  • moistening of the skin is an integral element of caring for it, it is recommended to apply moisturizing cream in the evening, when in the near future it is not expected to enter the street, otherwise the moisturizing components crystallize and will produce a negative instead of positive effect;
  • skin nutrition – the use of creams containing vitamins and fats with a heavy texture, but at the same time providing moisture and air exchange will be the right choice in the cold season;
  • protection of the skin from negative external influences is also in the use of nutritious creams, as well as oils containing natural vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to apply them several times a week;
  • mechanical or chemical peeling – use of purchased or home scrubs, creams with fruit acids is recommended with the same periodicity as natural oils, special attention should be paid to problem areas (elbow and knee folds, heels, face skin); ignoring this procedure will not provide your skin with a complete disposal of keratinized particles.

What, on the contrary, helps dry skin in winter?

Despite the fact that measures that prevent the development of dry skin are quite elementary, this problem in winter is a concern for many people. With all diligence, the problem is often not eliminated, and the skin condition is normalized with the advent of warm days. Part of the explanation lies in the fact that the elimination of dry skin is directly related to the elimination of such negative factors as weather conditions and the contrast of temperatures. All other causes of dry skin in winter can be eliminated with proper skin care and considerate attitude to yourself:

  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals – this factor is neutralized by consuming multivitamin complexes, selected physician taking into account the needs of the body, not the least important is the local fortification, ie treatment of the skin vitamin-creams and natural oils, the use of domestic masks based on foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins A and E;
  • weakening general immunity and relapses of chronic diseases (including skin) – the problem is solved and the selection of all reinforcing agents and prevention of relapse that should be taken together with your doctor;
  • improper skin care – take into account the fact that a universal remedy for skin care is not, then there exists cosmetics for cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, protection, skin fortification, the manufacturer promises a combination of all these qualities in one product is likely to dissemble ; in addition, it requires means of different directions (in summer suitable light texture, winter – thick, the summer before going out shows moisturizer in the winter – nutrients, etc.) in the warm and cold seasons of the face and body skin;
  • the impact of household appliances – Minimize the use of hair dryers and dryers, and of electric heaters select those models where there is a function of the humidifier and an ionizer or not buy these devices separately;
  • the effect of household chemicals – is not desirable to direct effects of household chemicals at any time of the year on the human skin, use when working with home chemistry gloves, winter as such means are able to run the pathological processes that cause irritation, which will soon get worse;
  • improperly selected wardrobe – avoid the use of non-natural materials in clothing, tight shoes from non-natural materials very often become the breeding ground for fungal microflora; close coarse clothing, for example, synthetic tights or sweaters contribute to skin peeling, the formation of rubbing and irritation;
  • improperly formulated diet – take care that your food contains the maximum of the necessary vitamins and minerals:
    vitamin A promotes the rapid recovery and regeneration of epithelial tissues – found in carrots and persimmons, leafy vegetables, beef liver, dairy products, butter, etc .;
    the combination of vitamins E and C – E prevents the formation of free radicals in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet, toxic substances and radiation sources, under the influence of free radicals the skin becomes dry, cracked and wrinkled, and C inhibits the aging process of the skin; E is contained in vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, whole grains, C – in citrus, currant, dog rose, sea buckthorn, etc .;
    vitamins B – provide metabolic processes in the body, and their deficiency is fraught with skin irritation up to seborrhea and dermatitis, itching and flaking; are found in nuts, milk and eggs, in the liver and in meat;
    vitamin PP – participates in protein metabolism and provides full cellular respiration; an overabundance of PP informs about itchy skin and rash; is found in legumes and sprouted wheat, in oats, corn flour, yeast, etc .;
    vitamin H – participates in the synthesis of fats and carbohydrates, which ensures the formation of collagen, its deficiency is dangerous for the development of dermatitis and eczema, dry skin, ulceration and cracking; is found in by-products and egg yolks.
  • lack of fluid in the body – to provide sufficient moisture to the skin, only using special cosmetics, it is difficult, if the body does not receive enough simple drinking water; every day you should drink up to 2 liters of plain water, not including soups and drinks;
  • bad habits – smoking has a very negative impact on the appearance, on the health of the skin in particular; among other skin-uncommon habits, usually:
    Use of water of the highest possible temperatures – at washing, bathing, cleaning and just to keep warm;
    the ability to go out into the cold with wet hands;
    use of moisturizing hand cream before going out;
    careless use of a hard towel.

Attention to details

Winter skin care on any part of the body obeys the general rules, which were mentioned above. However, cosmetologists note the beneficial effect of specific home remedies on individual skin areas, for example, face, feet, elbows.

The skin of the hands and face is maximally exposed to the negative effects of weather conditions, as we cross the threshold of the house, we cover the least with their clothes. In order to ensure skin health, it is recommended to apply gentle, but at the same time, effective home-made scrubs:

  • oat flakes brew with boiling water, strain, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive, corn, flaxseed) and use to clean the skin;
  • ground coffee in equal proportions with grated apple, used as a scrub, then wash it off with warm running water;

The skin of the elbows and knee folds, due to the specificity of their location, needs special care, in particular in softening masks:

  • on the basis of honey and sour cream – in equal proportions the ingredients are mixed and heated on a water bath; steamed elbow bends (for example, after taking a bath) is lubricated with the resulting substance, aged for 15 minutes and rinsed with running water;

The skin of the feet, in any case, is distinguished by its roughness and stiffness, as does the skin of the palms, but on the background of incorrectly selected shoes, excessive loads, poor heat and air exchange, the heels may look extremely unattractive. The following recipes can solve the problem:

  • baths based on herbal decoctions – oak bark, string, St. John’s wort, chamomile, sage, marigold are brewed in the proportion of 1 tablespoon. herbs for 1 cup of boiling water;
  • baths containing sea salt – softens and fills the skin with minerals.

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